Bruce and White Perry Vineyards

 The White Perry Vineyard and Bruce Vineyard, both located off Old-Winery Road in the Sonoma Valley AVA, boast captivating histories that date back to the early 1980s. These picturesque vineyards have been under our care since 2019, and we have been dedicated to nurturing their growth and potential. The primary variety grown in the White Perry Vineyard and Bruce Vineyard is Zinfandel, renowned for its bright red fruit flavors and high acidity.

Situated at the southern end of Sonoma Valley, both vineyards benefit from the cooling effects of the nearby San Pablo Bay, resulting in a relatively cool climate that enhances the character of the grapes. The soil composition in the White Perry Vineyard and Bruce Vineyard is unique, with sandy-loamy soils enriched by large chalky volcanic rock outcroppings on the hillsides. These volcanic soils lend the wines a distinctive minerality, while the sandy-loamy texture allows for a more delicate expression.

Prior to our involvement, the White Perry Vineyard and Bruce Vineyard were managed by Mike Nunez Vineyard Management, which both have been organically farmed.

We were particularly drawn to working with these vineyards due to their proximity to the historic Buena Vista Winery and their long-standing history of vineyard cultivation for over a century. Situated on the idyllic Old-Winery Road, both vineyards are surrounded by large oak and eucalyptus trees, creating a serene and isolated atmosphere away from the bustling streets of Sonoma.

As for the wines produced from the White Perry Vineyard and Bruce Vineyard, the grapes are used in currently crafting Les Lunes Winery's Astral blend, and there are plans to introduce a Vermouth in the near future. 

Overall, the White Perry Vineyard and Bruce Vineyard in the Sonoma Valley AVA stand as testaments to the historical significance of the area, the enchanting beauty of their locations, and the exceptional wines that emerge from these remarkable vineyards.